Tom Miller articles

The Terracotta Army

It’s not unusual for the tombs and burial sites of important leaders to be more grand than the people they led. But few burial sites can hold a candle to the necropolis of the First Qin Emperor of China and his incredible Terracotta Army.
August 15, 2024 Tom Miller

The Tunguska Event

The largest impact in recorded history took place in Russia: the Tunguska Event. But even today, researchers argue over what exactly happened that day over the Russian wilderness.
August 7, 2024 Tom Miller
Fighterpilots Internal

The Greatest Fighter Pilots In History

Flight has always been one of the dreams of humankind. Some of our most ancient myths, like that of Icarus, dream of the freedom of soaring through the skies. Humans being humans, once we solved the mystery of flight, some of the greatest fliers in history emerged during wartime.
August 1, 2024 Tom Miller
Joanofarc Internal

The Toughest Warriors In History

What makes for a great warrior? Is it tactics and strategy, battlefield success, or territories conquered? Really, it’s a combination of all these factors. Here are some of the toughest warriors in history.
July 18, 2024 Tom Miller