June 13, 2024 | Sarah Ng

The Most Devastating Bridge Disasters In History

The Most Tragic Bridges

We all trust the bridges we cross. However, some bridges throughout history have met tragic ends. Be warned: These awful disasters might just unlock a new fear.


Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge

Location: England 

Year: 1845

Fatalities: 79

The Great Yarmouth suspension bridge met its chilling fate on what was supposed to be a day of fun. On May 2, 1845, the clown Arthur Nelson ushered in the arrival of William Cooke's Circus with a promotional spectacle.

Original illustration of the Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge DisasterAdnamsGirl, Flickr

Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge

It was advertised that the clown Arthur Nelson was going to float down the River Bure in a washtub, pulled by four geese. In response, thousands showed up. An excited audience crowded the sides of the river, as well as the suspension bridge. It would only end in horror.

Fall Of The Suspension Bridge, At New Yarmouth, On Friday, 2 May - Iln 1845Frederick James Smyth, Wikimedia Commons

Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge

The clown's progress down the river took a dark turn once he passed beneath the suspension bridge. That's when everyone moved from one side of the bridge to the other; they wanted to keep their eyes on the clown. The sudden change in weight distribution broke the bridge's chains.

Advertisement for circus Yarmouth 18451845 advertisement, Wikimedia Commons


Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge

There were so many children on the bridge and many were crushed as the deck collapsed into the water. The cause of this massacre could be traced to a faulty joint, which had not been welded properly. Of the 79 people who lost their lives, 59 were children.

Plaque commemorating the Yarmouth Suspension Bridge disasterEvelyn Simak, Wikimedia Commons

Pont de la Basse-Chaîne

Location: France

Year: 1850

Fatalities: 226

It was a stormy day in Angers, France as 500 French soldiers attempted to cross the Basse-Chaîne Bridge. It was already a perilous journey as there were high winds. The men fought to remain on their feet—but it was about to get so much worse.

Collapsed Basse-Chaîne BridgeOfficial Photography, Wikimedia Commons

Pont de la Basse-Chaîne

The soldiers steps were well-timed and forceful, and the bridge began to sway precariously. Then the unthinkable happened: The wire cables snapped.

 Illustration of Pont de la Basse-ChaîneUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

Pont de la Basse-Chaîne

The Bass-Chaîne Bridge's cast-iron towers fell on top of the soldiers. The entire structure collapsed with the deck crashing into the river. The consequences were devastating.

Illustration of Pont de la Basse-ChaîneUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

Pont de la Basse-Chaîne

The 11-year-old bridge's collapse could be traced to a combination of reasons: the weather conditions, the soldiers' marching, and the degraded anchors. Going forward, France was so wary of suspension bridges, it took a couple decades before they decided to build another one.

Illustration of Pont de la Basse-ChaîneUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

Ponte das Barcas

Location: Portugal

Year: 1809

Fatalities: ~4,000

During the Peninsular War, a horrific bridge disaster occurred in Porto as Napoleon's forces closed in. On March 29, 1809, the French imperial army came at Porto's civilians with bayonets. Thousands tried to escape across a pontoon bridge—the Ponte das Barcas—but sadly, a nightmare ensued.

Engraving from 1817, showing the Ponte das Barcas.Henri L'Evêque, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Ponte das Barcas

Tragically, there were too many people on the bridges. The sheer weight of all those panicked people took down the bridge. Its collapse led to the deaths of around 4,000 people—both Portuguese and French—who perished in the Douro River.

The António Amen, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Whangaehu River Rail Bridge

Location: New Zealand

Year: 1953

Fatalities: 151

During one of the most festive times of the year, New Zealand experienced a terrible tragedy. On Christmas Eve 1953, a volcanic mudslide from Mount Ruapehu compromised the Whangaehu River Rail Bridge. Only minutes later, a passenger train traveling from Wellington to Auckland began crossing it.

Tangiwai Disaster Destroyed BridgeUnknown Author, Wikimedia Commons

Whangaehu River Rail Bridge

There were 285 passengers aboard the train, but the damaged bridge led to six rail carriages plummeting into the water. Thanks to the locomotive's crew quick response, the emergency brake managed to save three first-class carriages—but 151 people lost their lives.

The Tangiwai disaster is New ZealandArchives New Zealand, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

Whangaehu River Rail Bridge

At the time, Queen Elizabeth II had been touring New Zealand. Only hours after the tragedy transpired, the queen took to the airwaves to share her condolences and even met with the survivors.

Tangiwai Rail Bridge on the North Island Main Trunk, facing the direction of WellingtonRon2K, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Truesdell Bridge

Location: Illinois

Year: 1873

Fatalities: 46

It cost $75,000 to construct Truesdell Bridge, which was made out of iron. Built in 1869, it was supposed to be stronger than bridges made out of wood. Wooden bridges were no match for floods. However, a "faulty design" led to an awful disaster.

Dedication Of The Dixon Bridge, 1869Charles Keyes, Wikimedia Commons

Truesdell Bridge

On May 4, 1873, there were baptisms happening in Rock River. Over 200 people stood on Truesdell Bridge to watch the rite of passage. However, the weight of the audience was too much for the bridge. When it collapsed, people found themselves trapped beneath the bridge's 15-foot truss.

The Truesdell Bridge CollapseCharles Keyes, Wikimedia Commons


Truesdell Bridge

56 people sustained injuries while 46 people lost their lives. In the wake of the bridge disaster, the incident became known as "The Truesdell Trap."

Truesdell Bridge Collapse, View From The Southern ShoreCharles Keyes, Wikimedia Commons

Morandi Bridge

Location: Italy

Year: 2018

Fatalities: 43

Since 1967, the Morandi Bridge had been a major piece of architecture in Genoa—but it met its dark fate on August 14, 2018.

Landscape Photo of the Ponte Morandi Bridge with collapsed middle partMaurizio Boi, Flickr

Morandi Bridge

Rain had been falling quite heavily when the western part of the bridge began to collapse. Cars plummeted off of the A10 motorway. The drop was a terrifying 150 feet. The vehicles crashed into the river, railroad tracks, or streets.

Landscape Photo of the Ponte Morandi Bridge with collapsed middle partMarco E. Pelizza, Flickr

Morandi Bridge

As a result, there were 16 injuries and 43 fatalities. An investigation revealed why the bridge had broken down. Apparently, cracks had formed in the concrete. This meant water got inside, compromising the steel cables. 

In 2020, a new bridge opened to replace the doomed Morandi Bridge.

Landscape Photo of the Ponte Morandi Bridge with collapsed middle partStefano Bertolotti, Flickr

Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Location: Florida

Year: 1980

Fatalities: 35

On May 9, 1980, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge became consumed by a raging storm. Unfortunately, the freighter MV Summit Venture—weighing 20 tons—had a difficult time battling the severe weather conditions. But that wasn't all.

Landscape Photo of Sunshine Skyway BridgeApelbaum, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Sunshine Skyway Bridge

The freighter's radar wasn't working and moving through the shipping channel became increasingly difficult. As a result, it crashed into the bridge's support columns.

Skyway Bridge Old And NewApelbaum, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons


Sunshine Skyway Bridge

A section of the bridge, spanning 1,200 feet, collapsed into the channel—taking six cars, a Greyhound bus, and a truck with it.

Photo of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge Main bridgeApelbaum, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Sunshine Skyway Bridge

35 people lost their lives, however, there was one miraculous survival story. After falling 150 feet in his pickup truck and crashing off of the freighter, a man pulled through—and managed to swim back to shore.

Landscape Photo of the Sunshine Skyway BridgeRobert Neff, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

I-35W Mississippi River Bridge

Location: Minnesota

Year: 2007

Fatalities: 13

On August 1, 2007, the evening rush-hour turned into a real-life horror story. The I-35W Mississippi River Bridge had eight lanes and steel truss arches—but chaos ensued when the central span collapsed.

Photo of the collapsed I-35W Mississippi River bridgeAndy Tucker, Flickr

I-35W Mississippi River Bridge

Facing a drop of 115 feet, 18 construction workers and 111 vehicles plummeted toward the water and shoreline. There were 145 injuries, and sadly, 13 people didn't survive.

Photo of the collapsed I-35W Mississippi River bridgeRuin Raider, Flickr

I-35W Mississippi River Bridge

An investigation into the accident revealed the unfortunate truth. The metal gusset plates were not thick enough. The combined weight of the vehicles, the construction equipment, and the span was too much for the bridge to handle.

Photo of the collapsed I-35W Mississippi River bridgeMike Wills, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons


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